Friday, February 26, 2010

The editorial, "Americans Without Work" is an interesting article discussing the jobs bill that was recently passed. This 157 billion dollar bill is intended to extend unemployment benefits and provide aid to state and local governments. The author's intended audience would be towards anyone that is unemployed or on shaky ground in their professional careers. I feel like the author could have used more citation to show where he got his facts and statistics. The author goes on to say(weakly) that he believes this bill will be a waste of money because too much deliberation would distract the government from efficiently implicating this bill. He also states that the only way the bill will work is if the government focuses on creating jobs.
I feel like this is not the issue with the bill. I feel that the whole problem is that thebill does not help to get people back to work. It helps people cope with being out of work. I believe that there is no such thing as a massive attempt to create jobs. If there is no money to be made, there is no job. If there is only a certain amount of business at a store, there is only a certain amount of employees. The only way unemployment will turn around drastically is if people use their money confidently.
The author also depressingly uses statistics to show that teens from ages 16-19 have trouble finding jobs. He is right that they do have trouble. However, it is not limited to just teenagers. Anybody (no matter what age) who does not have a specific skill or training will have a tough time finding work. People know the economy is bad and this leads to more employee competition. An employer is not going to hire or promote someone that can get the job done. They are going to hire or promote someone that is willing to do everything in their power for that job. I have seen it myself. 30 year old men working themselves to death just to make 10 dollars an hour. Times are hard and the only way to make it better is not by creating more jobs, but by creating more revenue and letting everything fall into place.

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