Friday, February 12, 2010

This link leads to an article titled, "President Plans Own Battle on Debt." The senate recently could not get enough votes for a commission to push higher taxes and less spending. This commission would have lightened or slowed down our nations ever increasing debt. Republicans were very against this in Senate, and even the democrats were worried that medicare and medicaid would soon be on the "chopping block."
President Obama responded to this by addressing this matter during his State of the Union Address last week. We were projected to be in a deficit of 1.3 trillion dollars. An estimate was also made stating that by 2020 our nations output for the year would actually be less than our total deficits. Speaking for myself, I couldn't live with having personal debt, so how can these government officials vote down something like this. We need to decrease our debt so that we can keep growing in the right direction for our future generations.

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