Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Blog Stage One

This is my first blog ever so bear with me! My name is Tim Peck and I attend Austin Community College for an associates in Business Administration. I am taking US Government to finish my degree this semester. I hope to learn from the class so I can actually argue on a political topic without sounding ignorant. Here are a couple of links that have sparked my interest. Enjoy!

I thought this was interesting because it shows how we expect problems before they happen, yet they still ummm.....happen!

I thought the part where they say even if blacks took over a white mans job, it would only effect 1% of the white population.

I thought it was interesting how labor unions started the industrial revolution yet now they are fading our of favor.

I thought this was interesting because it is such a small island but the imposing companies are causing a major problem.

Maybe something will come out of this. I would like to hear we aren't in such bad debt as a nation.